Thursday, July 10, 2008

Going to Bed

Actual conversation upon going to bed......

Ella: Are there weathergirls? (As opposed to weathermen)
Me: Oh, yeah!!
Ella: What kind of hair do they have?
Me: All kinds.
Ella: Do they have fake hair?
Me: Some probably do.
Ella: Do they have pretty green hair?
Me: No.
Ella: Do they have pretty blue hair?
Me: No.
Ella: Do they have pretty pink hair?
Me: No.
Ella: Do they have black hair?
Me: Yes, some of them do.
Ella: What color of hair do I have?
Me: Light brown.
Ella: That's a pretty color.........................What color of skin do I have?
Me: Pink.
Ella: Why?
Me: Because Mommy and Daddy are pink.
Ella: Why is Dora's hair brown?
Me: Because it is.
Ella: Okay........ (ASLEEP)

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